Friday, October 1, 2010


Computer Engineering
2 2 three inputs & two output
3 4 ab+c
4 3 resoultion
6 2 batch & time sharing
7 1 conceptual
8 1 record
9 3 frame buffer
10 2 register
11 1 operation on relation
12 2 grant
13 3 multiplexer
14 4 to draw
15 2 parser generator
16 1 ab+ac+cb
17 1 quantitative
18 4 terminated
19 3 set of tokens
21 3 session layer
22 1 focuses on
24 4 2336
28 1 101010
29 4 cost
30 2 7
31 2 cross compiler
32 2 address relative to program counter
33 1 postfix
34 1 ab+cd-/
35 1 a
36 1 inorder
37 2 2d matrix
39 3 pseudo
40 4 description of entities
424 code generation
43 3 if there is a process
45 4 strinv
46 4 hard disk space
47 3 provide framework
49 3 1
50 1 presentation
55 3 gcfaebd
57 3 metropolitan area network
58 3 program unit
59 3 assembler
60 3 &
61 4 allocation
63 1 telnet
65 1 compiler
67 3 class c
69 2 inputs
72 2 2nf
76 2 cache
77 2 ecl
79 2 loader
80 1 circuit
82 2 buffer
83 2 n+1 nodes
84 2 data distributor
85 1 20 bytes
86 1 foreign key
87 1 lexicalsyntaxsemantic
88 3 page that is modified
89 1 line algorithm
90 1integrity
912 processor with multiple cores
92 2 error detection
93 3 4gb memory
94 3 recovery time after failure
95 2 dynamic ram
96 3 rom
98 3 fault tolerance
99 2 for(;;)
100 1 regression testing

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Details of The Candidates of RAS 2010

Details of The Candidates of RAS 2010

Barcode wise search

Name wise search

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Last year cut off for RAS/RTS exam

Last year cut off
Date of Exam 7th Jan 2009
Total Post 384
Total Applied 1,97,268
Total Appeared 1,33,342
Total Cleared Prel. 6745

Cut Off :
General 231.57
General Women 204.63
OBC 231.57
OBC Women 204.63

SC 214.66
SC Women 175.75
ST 223.77
ST Women 169.54
ST Tribal Sub Plan 151.56

Monday, August 30, 2010

Pattern of Exam

Preliminary Exam

Qualifying in Nature.
Objective Type Question are asked.

Paper I
General Studies
200 (100X2) Marks
2 Hrs

Paper II
Optional Subject
200 (100X2) Marks
2 Hrs

Mains Exam

Written Type

Paper I
General Hindi
200 Marks
3 Hrs

Paper II
General Studies I
100 Marks
3 Hrs

Paper III
General Studies II
100 Marks
3 Hrs

Paper IV
Ist Optional I
200 Marks
3 Hrs

Paper V
Ind Optional II
200 Marks
3 Hrs

Paper VI
IInd Optional I
200 Marks
3 Hrs

Paper VII
IInd Optional II
200 Marks
3 Hrs

Paper VIII
General English
100 Marks
3 Hrs

Interview/Personality Test : 160 Marks

Saturday, August 28, 2010

राजस्थान के प्रमुख शिल्पकार

राजस्थान के प्रमुख शिल्पकार

पं. लल्लू प्रसाद शर्मा
संगमरमर की उत्कृष्ट कलाकृति

शांति लाल जोशी
फड़ चित्रकारी

बृजलाल उदयपाल
हाथ से वस्त्र छपाई

मो. हनीफ उस्ताद
संगमरमर पर सुनहरी नक्काशी

बाबूलाल सिसोदिया
चंदन की लकडी पर जडाऊ कार्य

ज्ञान प्रकाश मीनाकार

Friday, August 27, 2010

राजस्थान के प्रमुख राजमहल

राजस्थान के प्रमुख राजमहल

1 चन्द्रमहल - जयपुर

2 अजग मंदिर - उदयपुर

3 विनय विलास - अलवर

4 राणाकुंभा महल - चित्तौड़गढ

5 अजग निवास महल - उदयपुर

6 रामबाग पैलेस - जयपुर

7 गोपाल भवन - डींग

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

राजस्थान के प्रमुख उद्योग

राजस्थान के प्रमुख उद्योग

सल्फ्यूरिक एसिड प्लांट

बड़ी लाइन के बैगन

कृत्रिम उद्योग के कारखाने
कोटा, गुलाबपुरा, जयपुर, बॉसवाड़ा

कोटा, उदयपुर

इंजनों की मरम्मत तथा मालगाडी के डिब्बे
लोको एंड कैरिज वर्कशॉप, अजमेर

कोटा, उदयपुर, फतेहगढ

खेल सामग्री

एलॉय स्टील
जयपुर, उदयपुर

टायर उद्योग
कोटा, कांकरोली

घीया पत्थर
दौसा, भीलवाडा, उदयपुर

माप-तोल के यंत्र

पानी के मीटर
केप्सटन मीटर कंपनी, जयपुर व पाली

बिजली के मीटर
जयपुर मेटल्स, जयपुर


Sunday, August 22, 2010

स्थान के प्रमुख लोक नृत्य

राजस्थान के प्रमुख लोक नृत्य

पनिहारी, कठपुतली, गणगौर, तेराताली, गोपिका, कामड़, डाण्डिया, खयाल, शंकरिया, झूलनशीला, हिकांत, बगारिया, घपाल, जिन्दाद आदि।

1 घूमर नृत्य भीलों का नृत्य है।
2 गरबा नृत्य केवल स्त्रियॉं भाग लेती है।
3 डांडिया नृत्य होली के दिनों में, पुरुषों का नृत्य
4 गीदड़ नृत्य होली के दिनों में, सामूहिक नृत्य
5 नैजा नृत्य भील जाति का खेल नृत्य, होली के तीसरे दिन
6 गैर नृत्य होली के अवसर पर फसल काटने के समय
7 पालर नृत्य गरासियों का नृत्य
8 शंकरिया नृत्य कालबेलिया (सेपरा) जाति में प्रचलित
9 पनिहारी नृत्य ५-७ घंटे सिर पर रखकर
10 बम नृत्य/बम रसिया नृत्य अलवर तथा भरतपुर
11 झूमर नृत्य पुरुषों का, वीर रस प्रधान
12 तेरह ताली नृत्य कामड़ जाति का, बाबा रामदेव के भजन गाते हुए


Friday, August 20, 2010

राजस्थान के प्रमुख साहित्य

राजस्थान के प्रमुख साहित्य

लेखक - कृतियॉं

चंदबरदाई - पृथ्वीराज रासो

सूर्यमल - वीर सतसई, वंश भास्कर

केशवदास - गुणरूपक

वीठलदास - रूक्मिणी हरण

करणीदान - सूरज प्रकाश

माधोदास चारण - राम रासो

दलपति विजय - खुमान रासो

जयानक - पृथ्वीराज विजय

सदाशिव - राजविनोद

वीर भाण - राजरूपक

गोपीनाथ - ग्रंथराज

नरपति नाल्ह - बीसलदेव रासो

सूर्यकिरण पारीक - ढोला-मारू-रा-दूहा


Thursday, August 19, 2010

राजस्थान की प्रमुख जनजातियॉं

राजस्थान की प्रमुख जनजातियॉं
अनुसूचित जनजाति की जनसंख्या की दृष्टि से भारत में राजस्थान का छठॉं स्थान है।
1- मीणा- मीणा जनजाति का 51 प्रतिशत लगभग। भाग पॉच जिलों -दौसा, जयपुर, करौली, सवाई माधोपुर तथा उदयपुर में - मीणा का शाब्दिक अर्थ मछली - पितृवंशीय परंपरा, शक्ति के उपासक - पटेल, मीणाओं के परंपरागत नेता है।
2- भील- राज्य की दूसरी प्रमुख जनजाति- स्थाई कृषक-अच्छे तीरंदाज-कर्नल टोंड इनका निवास मेवाड़ की अरावती पर्वत श्रेणियों में मानते हैं- इनका मुखिया पालवी, सम्मिलित झोंपडी पाल तथा घर कू कहलाता है राज्य के दक्षिणी-पूर्वी भाग में।
3- गरासिया- चौहान राजपूतों के वंशज-पशुपालन और कृषि।
4- सांसी- भरतपुर जिले के कुछ भागों में।
5- सहरिया- 99.4 प्रतिशत किशनगंज व शाहबाद में-बहुपत्नी प्रथा-वधु-मूल्य।
6- डामोर- राज्य के दक्षिणी क्षेत्र में- स्वयं को राजपूत मानते हैं-बहुपत्नी विवाह।
राज्य की अन्य जनजातियॉं हैं- दमोर, भाखा, टायडी, बावली, कठोडिया, कालीघोर, नेकदा पटिलिया, टोली, पाटवा आदि।


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

राजस्थान - नगरों के प्राचीन नाम

राजस्थान - नगरों के प्राचीन नाम

वर्तमान नाम - प्राचीन नाम

अलवर - आलौर

चित्तौड़ - खिजराबाद

धोलपुर - कोठी

जैसमलेर - माड

बीकानेर - जागल

नागौर - अक्षत्रियपुर

करौली - गोपाल पाल

प्रतापगढ - कांठल

उदयपुर - मेवाड़ या मेदपाट

बूंदी - हाडौती

हनुमानगढ - भटनेर

जोधपुर - मरूभूमि

तारागढ - गढ बीरली

जयपुर - ढूँढार

डूंगरपुर, बांसवाडा - बांगड

सांचौर - सत्यपुर


Monday, August 16, 2010

राजस्थान : एक दृष्टि में

राजस्थान : एक दृष्टि में

सीमावर्ती राज्य
कुल 5 राज्य-उत्तर में पंजाब, उत्तर-पूर्व में हरियाणा, पूर्व में उत्तर प्रदेश, दक्षिण-पूर्व में मध्य प्रदेश, दक्षिण और दक्षिण-पश्चिम में गुजरात

5,64,73,122 (देश में आठवॉं स्थान)

शहरी जनसंख्या (प्रतिशत में)
23.4 प्रतिशत

अनुसूचित जाति जनसंख्या
18.2 प्रतिशत

अनुसूचित जनजाति जनसंख्या
12.6 प्रतिशत

०-६ वर्ष आयु वर्ग की जनसंख्या
19.9 प्रतिशत

०-६ वर्ष आयु वर्ग का लिंगानुपात

921 महिलाएं प्रति हजार पुरुष

60.4 प्रतिशत

पुरुष साक्षरता
75.5 प्रतिशत

महिला साक्षरता
43.9 प्रतिशत

जनसंख्या घनत्व
165 व्यक्ति प्रति वर्ग किमी


राजकीय पुष्प

राजकीय वृक्ष

राजकीय पशु

राजकीय पक्षी

राजकीय खेल


एक सदनीय

विधानसभा सदस्य

लोकसभा सदस्य

राज्य सभा सदस्य

राज्य स्थापना दिवस
30 मार्च

सर्वाधिक आर्द्र स्थान
माउण्ट आबू

सर्वाधिक आर्द्र जिला

सर्वाधिक गर्म जिला

राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय

राजस्थान की प्रथम राजस्थानी फिल्म

राजस्थान की प्रथम महिला मंत्री
कमला बेनीवाल

राजस्थान की प्रथम महिला मुखयमंत्री
वसुंधरा राजे

राजस्थान की प्रथम महिला विधानसभाध्यक्ष
सुमित्रा सिंह

बागड़ के गॉंधी
भोगीलाल पण्ड्या

राजस्थान के गॉंधी
गोकुल भाई भट्ट

राजस्थान की मरूकोकिला
गवरी देवी

राजस्थान का अब्दुल फजल
मुहणोत नैनसी

राजस्थान का गौरव

राजस्थान का बेल्लोर
भैंसरोगढ दुर्ग

सूर्य नगरी

जलमहलों की नगरी
डीग (भरतपुर)

राजस्थान का नागपुर
कोटा नगर

देश के क्षेत्रफल का प्रतिशत भाग
10.71 प्रतिशत

पाकिस्तान से सीमा से लगने वाले जिले
श्री गंगानगर, बीकानेर, जैसलमेर व बाडमेर

न्यूनतम अंतर्राष्ट्रीय वाला जिला

राजस्थान का मरूस्थली भाग
60 प्रतिशत

देश में सर्वप्रथम पंचायती राज प्रारंभ
नागौर जिले से

राज्य की सबसे लंबी नदी

राज्य में पूर्ण बहाव के आधार पर सबसे लंबी नदी

सर्वाधिक पशु वाला जिला

सर्वाधिक अनुसूचित जाति जनसंख्या वाला जिला

सर्वाधिक अनुसूचित जनजाति जनसंख्या वाला जिला


Friday, July 30, 2010


Zoology (Code No. 30)

1. Cell : Cell structure and Functions of organelles; Cell division and metabolism;
Mendel's Laws of inheritance and its present status; Mutations; Chromosomes and genes
2. Microbiology & Biotechnology : Brief history, classification and
identification of bacteria and viruses.
General knowledge of historical perspective and future prospects of biotechnology.
3. Biochemistry : Enzymes (nature & functions), Biochemical energetics (Basic
thermodynamics, energy & its forms). Biological oxidation.
4. Developmental Biology : Gametogenesis, fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation
and embryogenesis of frog metamorphosis with reference to Ascidian & frog.
Development of foetal membrances in chick and mammals and placentation.
5. Systemic position, structure, reproduction & life history of following types :
Trypanosome, Monocystis, Plasmodium, Paramecium, Sycon, Obelia, Aurelia,
Fasciola, Taenia, Ascoris, Nereis, Pheretima. Hirudinaria, Palaemon, Palamnaeus,
Periplaneta, Pila, Unio, Balanoglossus, Amphioxus and Herdmania.
6. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates (Fish to Mammal) and Mammalian
Physiology; Integument Endoskeleton Digestive system, Respiratory system.
Circulatorysystem, Urinogenital system, Nervous system, Sense orgns and Endocrine
7. Ecology & Ethology : Biotic & abiotic factors; Population; Community;
Concept of Ecosystem. Fresh water, marine. Desert habitat; Pollution (Source, impact &
prevention) : Concept of ethology; methods of studying behaviour, social behaviour in
animals; Management of wild life; Bird & Fish migration and future prospects of
8. Evolution and Zoogeography : Origin of life : Theories and evidences of
evolution; speciation, Isolation. Principal Zoogeographical regions and their faunal
9. Applied Zoology : Economic importance of Protozoans, Helminths, insects
and molluses and pisciculture. Parasitic adaptations in animals.


Statistics (Code No. 29)
I. Probability :
Classical and axiomatic definitions of probability, simple theorems on probability
with examples, conditional probability, statistical independence, Bayes' theorem. Discrete
and continuous random variables, probability mass function and probability density
function, cumulative distribution function, joint marginal and conditional probability
distributions of two variables, Expectation of functions of one and two random variables,
moments, moment generating function, Binomial : Poisson Hypergeometric, Negative
Binomial , Uniform, exponential, gamma, beta, normal probability distributions,
Chebichev's inequality. Convergence in probability, weak law of large numbers, simple
form of central limit therorem.
II. Statistical Methods :
Compilation, classification, tabulation and diagrammatic representation of statistical
data, measures of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis; measures of
association and contingency, correlation and linear regression involving two variables,
correlation ratio, curve fitting.
Concept of random sample and statistic sampling distribution of Chi-square, 't' and F
statistics, their properties and tests of significance based on them. Large Sample Tests.
Order statistics and their sampling distribution in case of uniform and exponential parent
III. Statistical Inference :
Theory of estimation : unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency, sufficiency, Crammer-
Rao Lower bound, best linear unbiased estimates, methods of estimation, methods of
moments, maximum likelihood, leastsquares, minimum, Chi-square, properties of
maximum likelihood estimators (without proof), simple problems of constructing
confidence intervals for parameters of normal distribution.
Testing of hypothesis, simple and composite hypothesis, Statistical test, two kinds of
errors, Best critical regions for simple verses simple hypothesis concerning one parameter
of binomial, Poission, uniform, exponential and normal distribution. Non parametric
tests: Chi-square, sign, run median tests, Wilcoxon test, rank correlation methods.
IV. Sampling Theory and Design of Experiments :
Principles of sampling, frame and sampling units, sampling and non-sampling errors,
simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, ratio
and regression estimates designing of sample surveys with reference to recent large scale
surveys in India.
Analysis of Variance with equal number of observations per cell in one, two and
three way classification, transformations to stabilize variance. Principles of experimental
design, completely randomized design Randomized block design, Latin square design,
Missing plot technique, 23 factorial experiments.


Sociology (Code No. 28)
Sociological Perspective
Sociology as a Science
Relation of Sociology with other Social Sciences :
Economic, Political Science and Social Anthropology.
Basic Concepts :
Society : Meaning, nature and characteristics.
Community : Meaning and characteristics, Relationship with society.
Association : Meaning and characteristics.
Social Institution : Meaning, characteristics and forms; functions, difference between
Social institution and Association.
Social Group : Meaning and characteristics, Types - Primary and Secondary
Reference Group.
Social Interaction : Contact, communication and interest fulfilment.
Culture : Meaning, characteristics, components and cultural processes.
Social Structure : Meaning, characteristics and theories.
Social Stratification : Meaning, bases, forms and theories.
Status and Role : Meaning, types and mutual relationship.
Norms and Values : Meaning, types and mutual relationship.
Social Processes : Meaning, nature and forms-cooperation, competition and conflict.
Socialization : Concept, types, agencies and theories.
Social Deviance : Meaning, Forms and theories.
Social Change : Meaning, factors and theories. Change, progress and development,
Directed social change.
Magic, Religion and Science
Indian Society : Socio-cultural factors; Unity and diversity.
Caste in India : Features, origin and changing patterns.
Purusharatha and Varnasharma Vyavastha : Objectives, features and forms.
Marriage and Family in India : Features, forms, changes, problem and related
Kinship in India : Features, types and usages.
Residence and Descent : Rules, forms and primogeniture.
Status of Women in India : Changes, problems and related laws.
Population Problem in India : Causes, forms extent and remedies.
Current Social Problems in India : Casteism, communalism, regionalism, poverty,
bondage of labour, child misuse, environmental pollutions, crime and juvenile
delinquency and youth unrest.
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in India : Problems, safeguard,
Constitutional provisions and related legislation.
Induced Social Change in India : Aims, Plans, Projects & Schemes. Rural and
Tribal Development strategies and Agencies.
Urbanization and Industrialization in India : Positive and negative implications
for social life in India.
Panchayati Raj in India
Economic and Political Systems of simple and complex societies.


Public Administration (Code No. 27)

I. Introduction : Meaning, scope and significance of public administration; Private
and Public Administration; Evolution of Public Administration as a discipline.
II Theories and Principles of Administration : Scientific Management; Bureaucratic
Model; Classical Theory; Humman Relations Theory; Behavioural Approach;
Systems Approach. The Principles of Hierarchy; Unity of Command; Span of
Control; Authority and Responsibility; Coordination; Delegation; Supervision.
III Administrative Behaviour; Decision Making; Leadership theories;
Communication; and Motivation.
IV Personnel Administration; Role of Civil Service in developing society, Position,
Classification, Recruitment; Training; Promotion; Pay and Service Condition;
Neutrality and Anonymity.
V Financial Administration : Concept of Budget : Formulation and execution of
budget; Account and Audit.
VI Control over Administration : Legislative, Executive and Judical Control, Citizen
and Administration.
VII Comparative Administration : Salient features of administrative system in U.S.A.,
Great Britain and France.
VIII Central Administration in India. British legacy; Constitutional context of Indian
Administration; The President, the Prime Minister as Real Executive; Central
Secretariat; Cabinet Secretariat; Planning Commission; Finance Commission;
Comptroller and Auditor General of India; Major patterns of Public Enterprises.
IX Civil Service in India : Recruitment of All India and Central Services, Union
Public Service Commission, Training of IAS and IPS; Generalists and Specialists;
Relations with the Political Executive.
X State, District and Local Administration : Governor, Chief Minister; Secretariat;
Chief Secretary; Directorates; Role of District Collector in revenue, law and order
and development administration; Panchayati Raj and Urban local governament-
Main features, Structure and problem areas.


Psychology (Code No. 26)
1. Scope, Method and subject matter.
2. Methods : Experimental methods, Field Studies, clinical and case methods,
Characteristics of psychological studies.
3. Physiological Basis, Structure and functions of the nervous systems, functions of
the endocrine system.
4. Development of Behaviour, Genetic mechanism, Environmental factors, Growth
and maturation, Relevant experimental studies.
5. Cognitive processes (I) : Perception, Perceptual Process ; Perceptual organisation,
Perception of form, colour, depth and time, Perceptual constancy, Role of motivation,
Social and cultural factors in perceptions.
6. Cognitive Processes (II) : Learning. Learning process. Learning theories; Classical
conditioning, Operant conditioning, Trial and error and Insight theories, Perceptual
learning. Learning and motivation. Verbal learning. Motor learning.
7. Cognitive Processes (III) : Remembering. Measurement of remembering. Short-
term memory. Long-term memory. Forgetting. Theories of forgetting.
8. Cognitive Processes (IV) : Thinking. Development of thinking. Language and
thought. Images. Concept formation. Problems solving
9. Intelligence : Nature of intelligence. Theories of intelligence. Measurement of
intelligence. Intelligence and creativity.
10. Motivation : Needs, drives and motives. Classification of motives Measurement
of motives. Theories of motivation.
11. Personality : Nature of personality. Triat and type approaches. Determinants of
personality. Personality assessment : techniques and tests.
12. Coping Behaviour. Coping Mechanisms. Coping with frustration and stress.
13. Attitudes. Nature of attitudes. Theories of attitudes. Measurement of attitudes.
Change of attitudes.
14. Communication : Types of communication, Communication process.
Communication network. Distortion of communication.
15. Applications of psychology in industry, Education and Community.


Political Science (Code No. 25)

1. (a) Political Science : Meaning; Traditional and contemporary perspectives.
(b) The State-Sovereignty; Theories of Sovereignty, Monistic and Pluralistic view.
(c) Theories of the Origin of the States (Social Contract, Historical/Evolutionary and
(d) Theories of the functions of the State (Liberal, Welfare and Socialist)

2. (a) Concepts-Rights, Property, Liberty, Equality, Justice, Law, Political Elite.
(b) Democracy-Electoral process; Theories of Representation; Public opinion,
Freedom of Speech, the Role of the Press, Political Parties and Pressure Groups.
(c) Political Ideologies - Liberalism; Socialism (Democratic and Fabian); Marxian,
Socialism and Gandhism.
(d) Theory of Democracy, Political Development & Decay.

3. Organisation of Government : Constitutional Government, Parliamentary and
Presidential Government, Federal and Unitary Government; State and Local
Governament; Bureaucracy.

4. (a) Landmarks in the evolution of the National Liberation Movement and
Constitutional Development in India since 1858.
(b) The Indian Constitution : Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State
Policy; Legislature; Executive, Judiciary and Judical Review; the Rule of Law.
(c) Federalism, Centre-State Relations and Panchayati Raj in Rajasthan.

5. Major Issues and Trends in International Politics; United Nations Organization
and Foreign Policy of India.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Physics (Code No. 24)

1. Mechanics : Units and dimensions, S.I. units, Motion in one and two dimensions.
Newton's laws of motion with applications. Variable mass-systems, Fricitional forces,
Work, Power and Energy. Conservative and non conservative systems. Collisions,
Conservation of energy. Linear and angular momenta. Rotational kinematics,
Rotational dynamics. Equilibrium or rigid bodies. Gravitation, Planetary motion,
Artificial Satellites. Surface tension and Viscosity. Fluid dynamics, streamline and
turbulent motion. Bernoulli's equation with applications. Stoke's law and its
application, Special theory of relativity, Lorentz Transformation, Mass Energy
2. Wave & Oscillations : Simple harmonic motion, Travelling & Stationary waves,
Super position of waves, Beats, Forced oscillations, Damped oscillations, Resonance,
Sound waves, Vibrations of air columns, strings and rods. Ultrasonic waves and their
application. Doppler effect.
3. Optics: Matrix method in preaxial optics. Thin lens formulae, Nodal planes, Systems
of two thin lenses, Chromatic and Spherical aberration, Optical instruments,
Eyepieces, Nature and propagation of Light, Interference, Division of wavefront,
Division of amplitude, Simple interferometers. Diffraction - Fraunhofer and Fresnel,
Gratings. Resolving power of optical instruments. Rayleigh criterion, Polarization,
Production and Detection of Polarized light. Rayleigh Scattering. Raman Scattering,
Lasers and their applications.
4. Thermal Physics : Thermometry, laws of thermodynamics, Heat engines, Entropy,
Thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell's relations. Vander waal's equation of State,
Critical constants. Joule-Thomoson effect, Phase transition, Transport phenomenon,
heat conduction and specific heat in solids, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Ideal Gas
equation, Maxwell's velocity distribution, Equipartition of Energy, Mean free path,
Brownian Motion, Black-body radiation Planck's Law.
5. Electricity and Magnetism : Electric charge, Fields and Potentials, Coulomb's Law,
Gauss Law, Capacitance, Dielectrics. Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Laws, Magnetic field,
Ampere's Law, Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction, Lanz's Law, Alternating
currents, LCR Circuits, Series & Parallel resonance, Q-factor, Thermoelectric effects
and their applications, Electromagnetic Waves, Motion of charged particles in electric
and magnetic fields. Particle accelerators, Ven de Graaff generator, Cyclotron,
Betatron, Mass spectrometer, Hall effect. Dia, Para and ferro magnetism.
6. Modern Physics : Bohr's Theory of Hydrogen atom, Optical and X-ray spectra,
Photoelectric effect. Compton effect, Wave nature of matter and Wave-Particle
duality, Natural and artificial radio-acitivty, alpha, beta and gamma radiation, chain
decay, Nuclear fission and fusion. Elementary particles and their classification.
7. Electronics : Vacuum tubes-diode and triode, p-and n-type materials, p-n diodes and
transistors, Circuits for rectification, amplification and oscillations. Logic gates.


Philosophy (Code No. 23)
I. Formal Logic :
(a) Traditional Logic : categorical propositions, square of opposition, syllosistic
arguments - figures and moods, rules of valid syllogism and fallacies, venndiagram
technique for testing the validity of syllogistic arguments.
(b) Propositional Logic : truth-functional connectives and propositional forms,
translation from ordinary discourse to formal language, truth tables;
tautologous, contradictory and contingent propositional forms, valid and invalid truth-
functional arguments, derivations in propositional logic.
(c) Predicate Logic : Universal and existential quantifiers, translation from ordinary
discourse to formal language, square of opposition, valid and invalid arguments in
Monadic Predicate Logic.
II. Indian Ethics :
(a) Fundamental Concepts : Rta, yajna, rnaparisodha, dharma, karma and samsara,
pravrtti and nivritti, purusartha.
(b) Bhagavad Gita : Varna and asrama, svadharma, classification scheme of sattvika,
rajasika and tamasika; karma; bhakti and jnana; samatva as yoga and niskama karma,
(c) Bauddha and Jaina Ethics : The concept of dhamma, astangamarga, pancasila,
arhat; triratna, anuvrata and mahavrata, kevali.
III. Western Ethics :
Moral concepts-value, good and right, duty and right, moral judgement, theories of
moral standard, freedom and determinism, theories of punishment; meta-ethics-
naturalism, emotivisim and prescriptivism, individual and society-egoism and altruism.
IV. History of Philosophy : Indian and Western :
Charvaka, Jainism, Buddhism, Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisesika, Purva mimamsa
and Vedanta. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Aguinas, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Locke,
Berkeley, Hume and Kant.


Mining Engineering (Code No. 22)

1. Mineral industry: National Mineral policy, Mineral resources of Rajasthan and India
vis-a-vis world. Status of mining of important minerals in India. Introduction of
important minerals, their occurrences and uses.
2. Mining Methods Surface and Underground: Open cast method of mining layout,
development and design; loading and transport, mechanized quarrying, continuous
mining systems. Underground methods of working coal by longwall, Bord and Pillar,
mining of thick seams, trends of new developments in coal mining Underground
mining methods for metalliferrous deposits-development and stoping, handling of
broken ore waste material, stope mechanization and mine filling.
3. Mine transport and Machinery: Material handling in mines-haulage, conveyors,
rope-ways Face machinery Mine hoists, Mine pumps.
4. Rock Mechanics, Ground Control and Mine Development: Physico-mechanical
properties of rocks, Rock mass classification, stress measurement techniques.
Theories of rock failure, stress distribution around mine working. Mine subsidence,
ground control, instrumentation and monitoring. Design of support and support
system in mine roadways and workings. Pit slope stability. Drilling methods and
machines. Explosives, blasting devices and practices. Shaft sinking - ordinary and
special methods.
5. Mine ventilation and Environment: Underground mine atmosphere. Detection of
mine gases. Mechanics of air flow, distribution and control. Natural and mechanical
ventilation. Fan types, selection and operation . Heat and humidity - sources,
estimation and air-conditioning. Ventilation planning. Mine fires and explosions.
Inundation. Illumination, noise and mine dust measurements, standards and control.
Mine Rescue and Recovery. Environment impacts of surface mining and their
6. Mine Legislation, safety and management: Statutory laws concerned with
concession, conservation and development of minerals; and safety, health and welfare
of workmen in mines. Mine safety - accidents in mines and their prevention.
Occupational diseases. Principles of scientific management, organization and staffing.
Work study and operation research in mining.
7. Mine Surveying, Mineral Economics and Mine Planning- Mine surveying
instruments, development in instrumentation and techniques. Correlation,
underground surveying. Estimation and measurements of mineral resources and
reserves. Sampling method and practices. Mining companies and mine accounts.
Cash flow concepts and mine valuation. Mining finance, royalty and taxation.
Principles of mine planning, optimization of output, life, size and other mine
parameters. Preparation of feasibility reports and DPR/production planning and
productivity in mining.


Mechanical Engineering (Code No. 21)
Statics : Simple application of equilibrium equations.
Dynamics : Simple application of equations of motion work; energy; power.
Theory of Machines : Simple examples of links and mechanism. Classification of
gears, standard gear tooth profiles, Classification of bearings, Functions of fly wheel.
Types of governors, Static and dynamic balancing, Simple examples of vibration of bars,
Whirling of shafts.
Mechanics of solids : Stress, strain, Hooke's Law, elastic modulii, Bending moment
and shearing force diagrams for beams, Simple bending and torsion of beams, spring, thin
and thick walled cylinders, Mechanical properties and material testing.
Manufacturing Science : Mechanics of metal cutting, tool life, economics of
machining, cutting tool materials, Basic machining processes, types of machine tools,
transfer lines, metal forming processes, shearing, drawing, spinning, rolling, forming,
extrusion, Different types of casting and welding methods.
Production Management : Method and time study, motion economy and work space
design, operation and flow process charts. Product design and cost selection of
manufacturing process. Break evens analysis, Site selection, plant layout, materials
handling, selection of equipment for job, shop and mass production, scheduling,
despatching, routing inventory.
Thermodynamics : Heat, work and temperature, First and second laws of
thermodynamics, Carnot, Rankine, Otto and diesel Cycles.
Fluid Mechanics : Hydrostatics, Continuity equation. Bernoullis theorem, Flow
through pipes, Discharge measurement. Laminar and Turbulent flow. Concept of
boundary layer.
Heat Transfer : Heat transfer by conduction, Convection and Radiation, One
dimensional steady state conduction through walls and cylinders. Fins Concept of thermal
boundary layer. Heat transfer coefficient, over-all heat-transfer coefficient. Heat
Energy Conversion : Compression and spark ignition engines, Compressors, fans
and blowers, Hydraulic pumps and turbines, thermal turbo machines.
Boiler, Flow of steam through nozzles, layout of power plants.
Environmental Control : Refrigeration cycles, refrigeration equipment, its operation
and maintenance, important refrigerants, Psychometric comfort, cooling and


Mathematics (Code No. 20)
Algebra : Sets, relations, equivalence relations, Natural numbers, Integers, Rational
numbers, Real and Complex numbers, division algorithm, greatest common division
polynomials, division algorithm, derivations, Integral, rational real and complex roots of
a polynomial, Relation between roots and Coefficients, repeated roots, elementary
symmetric functions, Groups, rings, fields and their elementary properties.
Matrices : Addition and multiplication, elementary row and column operation, rank
determinants, inverse, solutions of systems of linear equations.
Calculus : Real numbers, order completeness property, standard functions, limits,
continuity, properties of continuous functions in closed intervals, differentiability, Mean
value Theorem, Taylors Theorem, Maxima and Minima, Application to curves tangent
normal properties, Curvatute, asymptotes, double points, points of inflection and tracing.
Definition of a definite integral of continuous function as the limit of a sum,
fundamental theorem of integral Calculus, methods of integration, rectification
quadrature, volume and surfaces of solids of revolution.
Partial differentiation and its application.
Simple test of convergence of series of positive terms, alternating series and absolute
Differential Equations : First order differential equations, Singular solutions,
geometrical interpretations, linear differential equations with constant coefficients.
Geometry : Analytic Geometry of straight lines and conics referred to Cartesian and
polar Coordinates; three dimensional geometry for planes, straight lines, sphere, Cone
and Cylinder.
Mechanics : Concept of particle, lamina, rigid body, displacement, force, mass,
weight, concept of scalar and vector quantities, Vector Algebra, Combination and
equilibrium of coplanar forces, Newton's Laws of motion, motion of a particle in a
straight line; Simple Harmonic motion, projectile, circular motion, motion under central
forces (inverse square law), escape velocity.


Law (Code No. 19)
I. Jurisprudence :
1. Schools of Jurisprudence : Analytical, historical, philosophical and sociological.
2. Sources of Law : custom, precedent and legislation.
3. Rights and duties.
4. Legal Personality.
5. Ownership and possession.
II. Constitutional Law of India :
1. Salient features of the Indian Constitution.
2. Preamble.
3. Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties.
4. Constitutional position of the President and Governors and their powers.
5. Supreme Court and High Courts : their powers and jurisdiction.
6. Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service Commissions : their
Powers and Functions.
7. Distribution of Legislative powers between the Union and the States.
8. Emergency provisions.
9. Amendment of the Constitution.
III. International Law :
1. Nature of International Law.
2. Sources : Treaty, Custom, General Principles of Law recognized by civilized nations
and subsidiary means for the determination of law.
3. State Recognition and State Succession.
4. The United Nations : its objectives and Principal Organs; the Constitution, role and
jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice.
IV. Torts :
1. Nature and definition of tort.
2. Liability based on fault and strict liability.
3. Vicarious liability.
4. Joint tort-feasors.
5. Negligence.
6. Defamation.
7. Conspiracy.
8. Nuisance.
9. False imprisonment and malicious prosecution.
V. Criminal Law :
1. General principles of criminal liability.
2. Mens rea.
3. General exceptions.
4. Abetment and conspiracy.
5. Joint and constructive liability.
6. Criminal attempts.
7. Murder and culpable homicide.
8. Sedition.
9. Theft, extortion, robbery and dacoity.
10. Misappropriation and Criminal breach of trust.


Indian History (Code No. 18)
1. Foundations of Indian Culture and Civilization; Indus Civilization. Vedic Culture,
Sangam Age.
2. Religious Movements : Buddhism, Jainism, Pauranika Hindusm.
3. The Mauryan Empire.
4. Trade and commerce in the pre-Gupta and Gupta periods.
5. Agrarian structure in the post-Gupta period.
6. Changes in the social structure of ancient India.
7. Political and social conditions of India between 800-1200 A.D.
8. The Delhi Sultanate ; administration and agratrian system.
9. The provincial dynasties; Vijayanagar Empire, society and administration.
10. The Indo-Islamic culture; religious movements of the 15th and 16th centuries.
11. The Mughal Empire (1526-1707); Mughal polity; agrarian system, art, architecture
and culture under the Mughals.
12. Beginning of trade with Europe.
13. The Maratha kingdom and confederacy.
14. The decline of the Mughal Empire; the autonomous states with special reference to
Bengal, Mysore and Punjab.
15. The East India Company and the Nawabs of Bengal.
16. British economic impact in India.
17. The Revolt of 1857 and other popular movements against the British rule in the 19th
18. Social and cultural awakening; the lower castes, trade union and peasant movements.
19.The Freedom struggle.


Home Science (Code No. 17)
1. Food and Nutrition
1. Meaning and importance.
2. Composition and processing of cereals, pulses, nuts and oil seeds, egg, meat, fish,
fruits and vegetables, milk and milk products.
3. Properties, functions, requirements, sources and effects of deficiency & excess of
protein, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals and water. Energy requirements.
4. Food groups and balanced diet.
5. Normal nutrition during adulthood, pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood,
adolescence and elderly.
6. Therapeutic diets-etiology, dietary principles and modifications in fevers, weight
management, constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcer, hepatitis, cirrhosis, atherosclerosis,
hypertension, renal disorders, diabetes.
7. Malnutrition and national nutritional programmes.
II Human developments
1. Meaning and principles of growth and development. Developmental aspects-physical,
motor, languages, social, moral, personality, emotional and cognitive development
from infancy to adolescence. Play and creativity.
2. Marriage-goals, adjustment, success and conflicts.
3. Family-meaning, types, functions, role of family members, family life cycle, parent
child relationship.
4. Pre-school education- importance, methods and philosophies for pre-school education
in India.
5. Problems of childhood, adolescence, old age and disabled. Juvenile delinquencies.
III Clothing and textiles
1. Classification and properties of fibers and yarn. Fabric construction. Fabric finishes,
dyeing and printing of textiles, chemicals used in textiles processing and their effect.
2. Laundry reagents and their functions.
3. Elements of art and principles of design and their application in clothing.
Psychological and sociological influence of clothes. Selection, care and purchase of
fabrics and readymade garments for apparel household use.
4. Clothing budget and consumer problems. Labelling and standardization.
5. Principles of drafting and common fitting problems. Traditional textiles and
embroideries of different states of India.
IV Family resource management
1. Human needs and wants, consumer behaviour, types of markets, budgeting, saving
and investment. Concept and process of management.
2. Management of resources. Decision making and work simplification. Household
equipment-principles, use, care and maintenance.
3. Housing - needs and problems, space distribution, building components and
materials, housing finance.
4. Elements and principles of design and their application in interior decoration.
5. Selection, use and care of furniture and accessories. Table layout.
6. Consumer education - rights and responsibilities, entrepreneurship.
V Extension education


Geology (Code No. 16)

I. Physical Geology and Geomorphology :
Solar system, the earth, its origin, age and internal constitution. Weathering and
erosion. Geological work of river, glacier, wind, ocean and ground water. Types,
products and distribution of volcanoes. Causes, effects and distribution of earthquakes.
Morphology of continents and oceans. Elementary idea of isostasy, continental drift,
sea floor spreading and plate tectonics. Iceages, past climates and coral reefs.
Land forms, their types and relation to lithology and deformation Geomorphological
sub division of India.
II. Structural Geology and Geotectonics and Structure and Tectonics of India:
Dip, strike, pitch and plunge; Clinometer Compass. Determination of top of beds.
Description and classification of folds, faults, unconformities and joints. Cleavage,
schistosity, foliation and lineation. Igneous intrusives and extrusive bodies. Overlap,
offlap, outliers and inliers. Major tectonic sub divisions of India and their characteristics.
Origin of Himalayas, Indoganetic plains and deserts in India.
III. Palaeontology, Principles of Stratigraphy and Geology of India :
Mode of preservation and utility of fossils. Elementary idea of organic evolution.
Morphology and geological distribution of Graptoloidea, Echinoidea, Gastropoda,
Lamellibranchia, Trilobita, Brachiopoda, Cephalopoda and Foraminifera.
A brief study of Gondwana plant fossils and Siwalik fauna; elementary; idea of
evolution of man, elephant and horse, Standard stratigraphic time scale, principles of
stratigraphic correlation and knowledge of stratigraphic classification.
Study of Precambrian, Palaeozoic Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks of India.
IV. Crystallography and Mineralogy :
Law of crystallography, elements of crystal symmetry, crystallographic notations and
twining. Study of forms and symmetry elements of normal classes of various crystal
systems. Contact goniometer. Crystal bonding and internal structure of crystals.
Physical, chemical and optical characteristics of important silicate mineral groups.
viz., Quartz, Felspar, Felspathoid, Olivine, Pyroxene, Amphibole, Mica, Chloride and
Garnet. Structure of silicate minerals. Physical properties and chemical composition of
important ore minerals. Petrological microscope, micol prism, birefringence,
pleochroism, extinction, uniaxial and biaxial characteristic of minerals. Optical signs.
V. Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Petrology :
Composition of magmas. Forms, structure, textures and classification of igneous
rocks. Phase rule, crystallisation of unicomponent and bicomponent silicate melts.
Crystallisation of common basaltic magma. Bowen's reaction series, magmatic
differentiation and assimilation. Petrography and petrogenesis of common igneous rocks.
Sedimentary processes, lithification and diagenesis. Heavy minerals. Structures,
textures, classification and depositional environment of sedimentary rocks. Physical
parameters of sedimentary grains. Petrography and petrogenesis of important sedimentary
Agents, kind, depth zones, facies and grades of metamorphism. Structures, textures
and classification of metamorphic rocks. Petrography and petrogenesis of important
metamorphic rocks.
VI. Economic Geology and Applied Geology :


Geography (Code No. 15)

Section 'A' : Fundamentals of Geography :
(i) Physical Geography
(ii) Human Geography
(iii) Economic Geography
(iv) Cartography & Surveying
Section 'B' ; Geography of the World :
(i) Land forms; Climates ; Soils; Vegetation and Natural Regions.
(ii) Population ; Growth and distribution; Races of mankind; Transhumance and
International migrations.
(iii) Hunting ; Food gathering, Fishing; Lumbering; Livestock-raising; Agriculture;
Minerals and Energy resources ; Industries.
(iv) Regional Study of S.E. Asia, S.W. Asia, Japan, China; U.S.A. & Russia.
Section 'C' : Geography of India :
(i) Physiography; Climate ; Soils and Vegetation.
(ii) Fisheries; Forestry; Livestock-raising ; Irrigation and Agriculture.
(iii) Minerals; Energy Resources and Industries.
(iv) Population; Human Settlements; Trade and Transportation.
Section 'D': Geography of Rajasthan :
(i) Physiography; Climate ; Soils, and Vegetation.
(ii) Fisheries; Forestry; Livestock-raising; Irrigation and Agriculture.
(iii) Minerals; Energy Resources and Industries
(iv) Population; Human Settlements and Transportation.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering (Code No. 14)

Networks : Networks graph; matrices; Laplace transform, convolution; Fourier series;
nodal and mesh analysis; time and frequency domain responses; two-port network
parameters; network functions.
Control Systems: Transfer functions; block diagram reduction techniques; signal flow
graphs; basic control components; transient and steady-stage response analysis; stability
of linear systems; Routh Hurwitz criterion; Root-loci; frequency response; Nyquist
criterion; Bode plot; Nichol's chart; PID control.
Semiconductor Devices: Electronic transport phenomena; p-n junctions; characteristics
and equivalent circuits of semiconductor diodes, BJTs, JEETs and MOSFETs.
Analog Circuits: Biasing of transistors and FETs; amplifiers; single-and multi-stage;
feedback; differential; operational; power; oscillators; LC, crystal, relaxation; function
generators and wave-shaping circuits; power supplies.
Digital Circuits: Boolean algebra;; minimisation of Boolean functions; logic gates;
digital IC families; combinational circuits-arithmetic circuits, code converters,
multiplexers and decoders; sequential circuits; latches and flip-flops, conters and shifte-
registers; comparators; timeos; ADCs and DACs; semiconductor memories;
microprocessor- architecture, programming, memory and I/O interfacing computers-
architecture, programming.
Communication Systems: Fourier transform: spectral analysis and signal transmission
through linear time invariants stems; random noise; correlation and power spectrum;
linear and angle modulation systems; superheterodyne receivers; sampling theorems;
pulse code modulation; digital modulation systems; FDM and TDM.
Electromagnetics: Vectors; line & surface integrals: Maxwell's equations; wave
equation; pointing vector; plane waves; propagation through various media, reflection,
refraction; elements of radio wave propagation; transmission lines and rectangular
waveguides; VSWR impedance matching; dipole antenna; loop antenna, antenna arrays,
Yagi-Uda antenna, slot, horn and parabolic reflector antennas.


Electrical Engineering (Code No. 13)
Steady state analysis of d.c. and a.c. network; newtork theorems; network
functions, Laplace techniques; transient response; frequency response; Three-phase
networks; Inductively coupled circuits.
Mathematical modelling of dynamic linear systems. Transfer functions, block
diagrams, stability of control systems.
Electrostatic and magnetostatic field analysis; Maxwell's equations. Wave
equations and electromagnetic waves.
Basic methods of measurement. Standards, error analysis, Indicating instruments,
cathoderay oscillosciope, Measurement of voltage; current; power resistance, inductance,
capacitance, frequency, time and flux.
Semi-conductor devices and analysis of electronic circuits; single and multistage
audio, and radio, small signal and large signal amplifiers. Oscillators and feedback
amplifiers. Waveshaping circuits and time base generators. Multivibrators and digital
circuits. Modulation and demodulation circuits. Transmission line at audio, radio and
U.H. frequencies, Wire and Radio communication.
Generation of e.m.f. and torque in rotating machine : motor and general,
characteristics of d.c., synchronous and induction machines; equivalent circuits;
commutation, starters, Power transformers, phaser diagram, losses, regulations, and
Modelling of transmission lines. Power system stability, Surge phenomena and
insulation co-ordination. Protective devices and schemes for power system equipment.
Conversion of a.c. to d.c. and d.c. to a.c. controlled and uncontrolled power, speed
control techniques for drives.


Economics (Code No. 12)
Part - I
1. National Income Accounting : National Income : Concepts, Components,
Measurement and Inter-relationship. National Income Deflator.
2. Price Theory : Indifference curve Approach. Consumer equilibrium. Cost curves.
Determination of prices under different market structure. Pricing of factors of
3. Money and Banking :Relationship between Money, Prices and output. Therories of
the Demand for money and supply.
4. International Trade : The theory of comparative costs; Ricardian and Heckscher-
ohlin. The balance of payments and the adjustment mechanism. Globalisation :
Impact of Foreign Trade.
Part - II
Economic growth and development : Meaning and Measurement; Indicators of
development. The Harrod-Domar Model and developing economies.
Part - III
Trends in key parameters of the Indian economy since 1985. Key Annual
Sectorial Growth rates during the current plan. NDP of India by Industry and origin at
constant prices during the 1990s. Globalisation and liberalisation of the Indian
economy with reference to Agriculture Industry and Foreign Trade. Indian Planning :
Its approaches, Strategies and overall achievements. Problems of poverty, inflation
and unemployment since 1980s.


Dairy Processing & Technology (Code No. 11)
Current status of dairy animals and milk production; utilization and
consumption in India and Rajasthan. Milk plants and milk product factories in India and
Rajasthan. Set up of State Cooperative Dairy Federations and their functions. Amul
pattern of Cooperative dairying. Agencies engaged in dairy development like; NDDB,
NCDFI, IDA and Educational & Research Institutions. Problems of milk supplies in
cities. Recent development in Dairy and food industry.
Functions of Food in the Body, Food digestion, absorption and assimilation.
Nutrient requirements, Composition of milk and fractions of major milk Constituents.
Important properties of milk fat, milk proteins, lactose enzymes, vitamins and minerals.
Chemical changes in milk during storage. Milk intolerance, anti-nutritional factors, food
contaminants & toxic trace elements. Principles of cleaning & sanitization of dairy
equipments and utensils. Contamination of milk and diseases transmitted through milk,
Types of microorganisms in milk, spoilage of milk. Tests used to assess the microbial
quality of milk and microbial standards. Market milk and its processing, packaging &
Composition, defects, standards and important manufacturing steps of cream
of different grades, Butter, ice-cream, concentrated and dried milks, cheese and
indigenous milk products. Properties of fluid milk & foods, powders and thermal
properties of frozen foods. Food dehydration, Freeze dehydration. Packaging material,
their characteristic & evaluation, packaging forms & labelling. Membrane processing.
Properties and materials, used in dairy machinery equipment design. Chemical
properties of fuels & calorific value. Properties of steam, steam generators, operation and
maintenance of boilers, Air Compressors.
Refrigeration, its principle, importance, properties of refrigerants, direct and
brine circulation systems. Engineering properties of food materials, system analysis and
energy balance. Constructional & Operational features of fluid milk handling equipment,
heat exchangers, cream separators and triprocessors, homogenizers, sterilizers and
evaporators & dryers, pasteurizers, washers, packaging equipment, membrane process
equipment., Freezing & CIP equipment.


Computer Science (Code No. 10)

1. Fundamentals-of-Computer-Processing System: Electronic digital computer and its
parts (CPU Memory, I-O devices), machine instructions: opcode, operand, instruction
counter, instruction cycle, memory addressing, registers in CPU, Number systems
(digital, binary, octal, hexadecimal), codes: character codes (ASCIL, EBCDIC), BCD
code, Excess3 code, Software (system and application software). Electronic data
Processing Concepts: Data Information, File, Database, Need, Quality, Value.
Categories of information, organization of information in business. Benefits of EDP,
Application of EDP in education, management, public delivery, bank, financial
accounting, inventory control etc, Classification of computers: Classification based
on size, design and purpose, History of computer: features of different generations.
2. Programming languages: machine language, assembly language, high-level language,
3 GL, 4GL languages, Graphic user interfaces, Algorithm, Flowchart, developing
programs in PASCAL language.
3. Digital Circuits: Logic families, gates, flip flops, Design of combinational and
sequential circuits, Boolean algebra and minimizations techniques.
4. Personal computer software: Word processing packages, Spreadsheet packages,
database management system packages, Desk top publishing, Computer animation
packages, Introduction to MS Office.
5. Operating System concepts: Need of operating system, categories of operating
system, functions of operating system, familiarity with common operating systems:
DOS, Windows 2000, UNIX.
6. Computer and communication: Need of data transmission over long distance,
Communication channels: twisted pair, coaxial cable, microwave radio waves, optical
fibre, satellite, analog and digital transmission, serial and parallel transmission,
modems, networking concepts: LAN, WAN.
7. Internet topology: Concept of internet, how does internet work, internet protocols, net
surfing and searching, browsers, search engine, world wide web, HTML and Java
8. E-Commerce: What is E-commerce, advantages and growth of E-commerce,
electronic payment system digital currencies, cyber cash E-cash, credit cards, smart
cards, supply chain management, security considerations.
9. Recent advances in concept and products in Information Technology: Parallel
processing, Artificial Intelligence and expert systems (concept only), Computer
Aided Design and Manufacturing, Wireless communication, Convergence
technology, E-Governance.


Computer Engineering (Code No. 09)
1 Digital Electronics:
Introduction to number System and their conversions., Arithmatic with bases other
than ten. Boolean Algebra and Simplification of boolean expressions. Standard form of
boolean functions, Minterm Maxterm designation of functions. Simplification of function
by karrnaugh maps. Logic gates and IC digital logic families. Combinational Circuits.
II Programming Languages:
Structured programming and object oriented programming. Abstraction,
encapsulation, data hiding, Polymorphism, Scope rules., Parameter passing, run time
environment, Static and dynamic storage management. Case studies of C and C++
III Data Structure and Algorithms:
Elementary and structured data types, Linear Structures: Arrays and Records, Stacks,
Queues And Linked Lists, Strings Prefix, Postfix, infix expressions. Non Linear
structures: generalized linked list, trees, graphs and their traversals. Built in data
structures such as Records, Files, Sets and Pointers. Sorting and searching techniques.
IV Computer Architecture:
Processor Organization, Instruction fetch decode and execute cycles, Information
representation, Number formats and their representation in memory. Common addressing
techniques, instruction types, Arithmetic operations and their implemations. Memories:
type, characteristics and organization.
V Data Base Management System:
Need, Purpose and Goals of DBMS. Physical and Logical data bases, data
abstraction and data independence, data aggregation, data models: ER and Object Orinted
Models, Introduction to relational model, relation algebra, theory of normalization SQL.
VI System Programming and Operating System:
Concept of machines and assembly language programming, representation of
instruction and data, assemblers, and macro assemblers. Introduction to Operating
System, Operating System Services and Kernel. Multiprogramming & time sharing,
Memory Management, Paging and Segmenting, Input/Output and Device management,
Disk and File Management, Process Management.
VII. Theory of Computation and Compiler Design:
Introduction to Automata Theory, Language, regular expression, finite automata,
transition graph, non-determinism, Push Down Automata Theory, context free grammars,
trees, regular grammars, context-free languages.
Introduction to compilers, translators and interpreters, compilation process. Lexical
and Syntactical analysis. Top Down and Bottom up parsing, syntax directed translation.
VIII Computer Networks:
Data communication Fundamentals, Computer Network Architecture, Packet and
circuit switching. Functions and working of OSI layers. Satellite and packet radio
networks. Local area network. Internetworking and ISDN/B-ISDN. Network Protocols:
Ethrnet, TCP/IP. Internet and Web technologies. Introduction to mobile communications.
IX Software Engineering:
Introduction to Software Engineering, Requirement Engineering, Structural Systems
Design, Data Oriented analysis and Design, Object Oriented Analysis and Design,
Software Quality Assurance.


Crop Husbandry with Horticulture (Code No. 08)

Definition and importance of crop husbandry, scope of crop husbandry, agro-
ecological zones and geographical distribution of crops.
Elements of crop production, cropping system including concept of inter
cropping, multiple cropping, relay cropping system including sequential cropping,
multistoeyed cropping and their importance in relation to crop production. Crop rotation,
soil erosion, soil conservation practices and structures. Soils and soil management. Soil
fertility and productivity, essential plant nutrients, fertilizers and organic manures
including biofertilizers.
Soil plant water relationship, methods of irrigation and drainage, present status
and sources of irrigation in the country and state of Rajasthan. Management of irrigation
in major crops.
Types of weeds and weed control, types and use of herbicides.
Important crops of India, cultural practices for cereals, pulses, oil seed, fiber,
sugar and tuber crop.
Importance and scope of Horticulture in India. Factors affecting the growth and
development of horticultural plants. Nutritive value of fruits and vegetables. Area,
production of major fruits, and export-import and vegetable crops of India. Nursery
management practices; Classification of fruits on the basis of their climatic requirement.
Planning and layout of orchards, planting system, management of orchards including
manuring. Irrigation, training, pressing control of diseases and pests, protection of
orchards against adverse weather conditions, classification of vegetables. Different types
of vegetable gardening, management of vegetable farms including nursery raising.
manuring, irrigation, interculture operations, harvesting and control of diseases and pests.
Production techniques in brief for importance fruits and vegetables of India,
namely, mango, citrus, guava, papaya, grapes, Ber, Aonla, progranate and vegetable like
solanacious crop, cole crops, peas and beans, onion. okra, curcurbitacious crops, etc.
Weed management, fertility management in horticultural crops, cropping systems, inter
cropping , mulching . Factors influencing the fruitfulness and unfruitfulness.
Rejuvenation of old orchards. Harvesting, post harvest handling, processing, marketing
and storage of fruits.


Commerce (Code No. 07)
Part - I : Accounting
Preparation of the Financial statements including statement of sources and uses of
funds. Ratio analysis and interpretation : Ratios relating to short term liquidity, long
terms solvency and profitability.
Company Accounts : Issue and redemption of shares and debentures, Capitalisation of
profits and issue of bonus shares; Accounting for depreciation including accelerated
method of providing depreciation. Study of Indian Accounting standards : Accounting
standards relating to Accounting Policy, Valuation of Inventory, Depreciation, Fixed
Assets, Events occurring after Balance Sheet Date.
Rate of Return on Investment (ROI) : Evaluation of the over-all performance of a
business entity, Marginal costing and decision making.
Auditing : Objects of auditing, Balance Sheet and continuous audit; Concept and
objects of management audit; Company Audit : Appointment, rights, duties and liabilities
of a Company Auditor.
Part- II Business Management and Secretarial Practice
Floatation of a Joint Stock Company-Procedure and documents; Doctrine of indoor
management and Principle of constructive notice ; Types of securities SEBI guidelines
regarding their issue.
Management Functions : Planning, Organising, Directing, Coordination and Control.
Organisation structure : Centralisation and decentralisation; Delegation of authority,
Span of control; Management by objectives (MBO); Management by exception.
Company Secretarial Practice : Appointment, qualifications and disqualifications -
Rights, duties and liabilities of Company Secretary, Drafting of notices, agenda,
resolutions and minutes.
Stock Exhanges : Primary and Secondary markets.
Procedure and Financing of Export and Import Trade, Export promotion, Role of
EXIM Bank; Principles of Insurance - Life, Fire and Marine insurance.


Civil Engineering (Code No. 06)
1. Engineering materials & construction technology
Selection of site for the construction of various types of building: Planning &
Orientation of Building. Bonds in Masonry, Damp Proof Course, Scaffolding,
underpinning & Raking. Floors, Staircases, Roofs, Doors and Windows etc.
Requirements of fire protection, Ventilation & air conditioning, and Acoustics. Building
materials: Stones, Bricks, Timber, Lime, Cement, mortar, Plain & Reinforced Cement
Concrete, Paints, Varnishes & Distemper.
2. Surveying
Generally adopted Scales, Chain and compass surveying: Levelling: Temporary &
permanent adjustments of levels & Theodolite. Use of Theodolite, Tacheometry,
Trigonometrical & Triangulation survey. Traversing & Traverse Adjustment; Contours
and contouring: Simple Circular, Compound and Transition curves and their setting out:
Theory of errors and survey adjustment.
3. Soil Engineering
Classification of soil as per I.S. Code, Field identification tests for soils; water
content, specific gravity, voids ratio, porosity, degree of saturation; Unit weight, density
index etc; and their inter-relationship, determination of various properties of soils as
noted above as well as grain size distribution, consistency limits etc.
Soil permeability and its determination in the laboratory and field; Darcy's law, flow
nets, its construction and uses.
Compaction of soil and quality control, soil stabilization methods, Newmark's chart
and its uses.
Elements of shear strength parameters and their determination. Terzaghi's theory,
Bearing capacity & Design Criteria for shallow foundation. Earth pressures on retaining
wall; stability of simple slopes.
4. Structural mechanics
Stress and strains, elastic constants, factor of safety, relation among elastic constants.
Bending moment and shear force diagrams for cantilever, simply supported and
overhanging, Fixed & continuous beams subjected to static loads, concentrated
uniformly, distributed and uniformly varying. Theory of simple bending. Shear Stress,
Shear Center.
Deflection of cantilever, Simply supported fixed and continuous beams.
5. Steel structures
Design of ordinary and plate girder beams, roof trusses, welded joints, axially and
eccentrically loaded columns, Grillage, Gusseted & slab base foundation. Provision of
IS:800 and 875.
6. Reinforced concrete structures
Provisions of latest IS: 456, design of beams singly and doubly reinforced, design of
shear reinforcement. Design of slab simply supported, spanning in two directions and T-
beam slabs. Design of columns axially and eccentrically loaded. Design of isolated and
combined columns footing. Design of simple RCC cantilevers and retaining walls.
Reinforcement in overhead & underground water tanks.
7. Fluid mechanics including hydrology and Irrigation

Monday, July 26, 2010


Chemistry (Code No. 05)
Section 'A'
Atomic number, Electronic configuration of elements, Aufbauprinciple, Hund's
Multiplicity Rules, Paulis Exclusion Principle, long form of the Periodic Classification of
elements; salient characteristics of 's', 'p', 'd' and 'f' block elements.
Atomic and ionic radii, ionisation potential, electron affinity and
electronegativity; their variation with the position of the elements in the periodic table.
Natural and artificial radioactivity theory of nuclear disintegration; disintegration
and displacement laws; radioactive series; nuclear bindings, energy, nuclear reaction,
fission,, and fusion, radioactive isotopes and their uses.
Electronic Theory of Valency. Elementary ideas about sigma and pi-bonds,
hybridization and directional nature of covalent bonds. Shapes of simple molecules bond
order and bond length.
Oxidation states and oxidation numbers. Common redox reactions; ionic
Bronsted and Lewis theorise of acids and bases.
Chemistry of common elements and their compounds, treated from the point of
view of periodic classification.
Principles of extraction of metals, as illustrated by sodium, copper, aluminium,
iron and nickel.
Werner's theories of coordination compounds and types of isomerism in 6- and 4-
co-ordinate complexes. Role of co-ordination compounds in nature, common
metallurgical and analytical operations.
Structures of diborane, aluminium chloride, ferrocene, alkyl magnesium halides,
dichlorodiamineplatinum and xenon fluorides.
Common ion effect, solubility products and their applications in qualitative
inorganic analysis.
Section 'B'
Electron displacements- inductive, mesomeric and hyperconjugative effects-
effects of structure on dissociation constants of acids and bases-bond formation and bond
fission of covalent bonds- reaction intermediates carbonations, carbanions, free radicals
and carbenes-nucleophiles and electrophiles.
Alkanes, alkenes and alkynes-petroleum as a source of organic compounds -
simple derivatives of aliphatic compounds; halides, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, acids,
esters, acid chlorides, amides, anhydrides ethers, amines and nitro compounds;
monohydroxy, ketonic and amino acids. Grignard reagents; active methylene group-
malonic and acetoacetic esters and their synthetic uses-unsaturated acids.
Stereochemistry - Elements of symmerty, chirality, optical isomerism of lactic
and tartaric acids, D, L- notation, R,S- notation of compounds containing chiral centres,
concept of conformation- Fischer, Sawhorse and Newman projections of butane-2, 3-diol
geometrical isomerism of maleic and fumaric acids, E and Z notation of geometrical
Carbohydrates - Classification and general reactions, structures of glucose,
fructose and sucrose, general idea on the chemistry of starch and celluose.


Botany (Code No. 04)
1. Origin of Life : Basic ideas.
2. Biological Evolution : General account of chemical and biological evolution and
mechanism of speciation.
3. Cell Biology : Cell structure and functions of cell organelles; structure and
composition of cell wall and cell membrane.
Mitosis and meiosis and their significance.
4. Plant Anatomy: Origin, development, structure and function of primary and
secondary tissues.
5. Genetics and Plant Breeding : Mendel's Laws of inheritance, concept of gene and
genetic code; physical and chemical basis of heredity; Linkage, crossing over and sex
determination; Mutation, polyploidy, hybrid vigour and their role in crop
6. Plant Diversity : Structure and evolutionary trends in plant forms :
(a) Algae to angiosperms.
(b) Ultra-structure, reproduction and economic importance of viruses, Mycoplasma
and Bacteria.
(c) Structure, reproduction and economic importance of Lichens.
7. Plant systematics : International code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN); Principles
and important rules of (Validity, Effectively and Priority). Herbaria and Botanical
Gardens and their role in plant systematics.
Plant taxonomy - a synthetic discipline.
8. Plant Physiology : Water relations, Mineral nutrition, Photosynthesis, Respiration,
Nitrogen metabolism, Enzymes, Plant growth regulators, Physiology of flowering,
Secondary metabolites - a brief account.
9. Reproductive Biology : Pollination, fertilization, sexual incompatibility;
Development, structure dormancy and germination of seed.
10.Plant Pathology : Symptoms, etiology and control measures of following diseases :
White rusts of crucifers, Early blight of potato, Black rust of wheat, Loose smut of
wheat, Red rot of sugarcane, Tikka disease of groundnut.
11.Environmental Biology : Structure and function of Ecosystem; Ecological
adaptations; Climate, Vegetation and Phytogeographical regions of India. National
parks and wild life sanctuaries - Deforestation, afforestation and social forestry.
Environmental pollution, ecological indicators, soil erosion and waste land
12.Botany - A human concern :
(a) Germ plasm resources and conservation.
(b) Endangered, threatened and endemic taxa.
(c) Cell, tissue, organ and protoplast cultures in micropropagation and genetic diversity.
(d) Biotechnology in Agri-horticulture, Medicine and Industry.
(e) Plants as sources of food, fibres, fatty oils, drugs, Fuels and timbers, paper, rubber
beverages, spices, resins, gums, dyes, insecticides, pesticides and ornamentation.


Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science (Code No. 03)

Unit. Subject matter
A. Animal Hasbandry:
A.1General: Present status and future scope of livestock. Role of livestock in Indian
economy and human health. Socio-economic aspects of livestock enterprises.
A.2Genetics and Breeding: Elements of genetics and breeding as applied to
improvement of animals. Indigenous breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pigs,
camel and poultry for production of milk, meat, wool, eggs & work.
A.3Nutrition: Classification of feeds, proximate analysis of feeds.
Conservation of feeds and fodders. Feeding standards. Functions of food.
Characteristics of ideal ration. Feeding of calves, heifers, pregnant and milking
animals. Rationing of poultry.
A4.Management: Housing and management of young, growing, pregnant and milking
animals, bulls, bullocks. Importance of farm records.
Economics of livestock enterprises. Methods of milking and clean milk production.
A5.Dairy Science: Composition of milk and factors affecting milk composition. Physical
properties and food value. Quality control of milk. Common tests and legal standards.
Milk collection, chilling, transportation, processing packaging, storage & marketing.
Preparation of common milk products - cream, curd, ghee, khoa, butter, channa.
Cleaning and sterilizing of milk utensils.
B. Veterinary Science:
B.1Artificial insemination- Advantages, collection, evaluation, dilution, preservation
and insemination of semen. Fertility and sterility.
B.2Hygiene : Veterinary hygiene in relation to water, air and habitation. Sources of
water and standards of potable water.
B.3 Principles of immunization and vaccination.
B.4Veterinary Pathology : Etiology, symptoms, diagnosis prevention and treatment of
following diseases:
B. 4.1 Cattle : Anthrax, foot and mouth disease, haemorrhagic septicaemia,
rinderpest, black quarter, Jhones' disease.
B.4.2 Poultry: Coccidiosis, Ranikhet diseases, fowl pox, avian leucosis, Marek's
B.4.3 Miscl: Tympany, enteritis, pneumonia, colic, mastitis, milk fever, surrah,
B.5Toxicology: Common poisoning in farm animals, their prevention and control.
B.6 Tranquilizers used to control wild animals and animals in captivity.
B.7 Prevention of cruelty against animals.


Agricultural Engineering (Code No. 02)

Hydrologic cycle, Rainfall and Runoff measurement, measures to control Soil
Erosion and watershed management, Soil-Water-Plant relationship, Irrigation water
measurement, Surface irrigation methods, Drainage Principles, Surface and sub Surface
Drainage methods, Hydraulic Conductivity and Drainage Coefficient, Type of Aquifiers,
well log, Ground water prospects and water lifting Devices.
Types of Tractor drawn:- Primary and secondary tillage machinery, their
selection, operation, field capacity and efficiency. Types of Sprayers and Dusters, Power
operated-Harvesting and threshing machinery, Types of farm tractors, introduction to
different systems and their maintenance.
Principles of processing of agricultural crops:- Size reduction, material handling
and separation equipments. Principles of Drying and Drying Equipment. Use of
Pschrometric chart. Processing of milk, Dairy equipments. Storage of Grains and
Principles of food preservation. Requirement of Rural Electrification and construction
materials of Rural Housing.
Energy and types of Energy Sources:- Conventional and non-Conventional
energy sources viz-solar thermal, solar Photovoltaic, Bio-energy, Bio Gas, selection of
Bio gas plant (site, size and type), Wind Energy, Geothermal, Ocean Energy-present
status and potential of renewable energy sources in the Rajasthan State.
Fluid properties, flow through pipe and open channel, Notches and weirs,
culverts, anicuts, and checkdams, measurement of fluid pressure, friction in pipe flow and
its effect.
Survey instruments and their uses. Use of survey in watershed, Planning rural
roads and reservoir's constructions.
Rural housing and farm structures, Principles of rural electrification, safety
measures in farm operations.


Agriculture (Code No. 01)

Agriculture, its importance in national economy; factors determining agro-
ecological zone and geographic distributions of crop plants.
Important crops of India, cultural practices for cereal, pulses, oilseed, fibre, sugar
and tuber crops and the scientific basis for their crop rotation; multiple and relay
cropping, intercropping, and mixed cropping.
Soil genesis, Soil as a medium of plant growth and its composition, Mineral and
organic constituents of the soil and their role in crop production; chemical, physical and
microbiological properties of the soils; soil colloids; essential plant nutrients, their
functions, occurrence and cycling in soils. Problem soils and their reclamation. Principles
of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious fertilizer use. Organic manures and bio-
fertilizers; straight, complex and mixed fertilizers, their manufacture and mode of action
in soil.
Principles of plant physiology with reference to plant nutrition, absorption,
translocation and metabolism of nutrients. Diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies and their
amelioration. Photosynthesis and respiration, growth and development auxins and
hormones in plant growth.
Elements of Genetics and plant breeding as applied to improvement of crops;
development of plant hybrids and composites, important varieties, hybrids and
composites of major crops.
Important fruit and vegetable crops of India, the package of practices and their
scientific basis, crop rotations, intercropping, and companion crops, role of fruits and
vegetables in human nutrition; post harvest handling and processing of fruits and
Serious pests and diseases affecting major crops. Principles of pest control,
integrated control of pests and diseases; proper use and maintenance of plant protection
Principles of economics as applied to agriculture.
Farm planning and resource management for optimum production.
Farming systems and their role in regional economies
Philosophy, objectives, scope and principles of extension. Extension organisation
at the State, District and Block levels-their structure, functions and responsibilities.
Methods of communication, role of Farm organisations in extension service.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Preliminary examination

Compulsory paper


1. Current Affairs :- Major current issues and happenings at State, National and
International levels and the concerned organisations, institutions and personalities.
2. General Science :- Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and
understanding of Science including matters of every day observations and experience.
Questions to test, the candidates acquaintance with matters such as, Electronics, Tele-
Communication, Satellites and the like also be included.
3. Geography and Natural Resources :- (a) Broad physical features of the world,
important places, rivers, mountains, continents, oceans (b) ecology and wild-life of
India (c) Rajasthan's physiography : climate, vegetation and soil regions. Broad
physical divisions of Rajasthan. Human resources: Problems of population,
unemployment, poverty. Drought, famines and desertification in Rajasthan, Natural
resources of Rajasthan : Mines and Minerals, Forests, Land and Water, Animal
resources. Wild-life and Conservation.
Energy problems and conventional and non-conventional sources of Energy.
4. Agriculture and Economic Development with special reference to Rajasthan :-
Food and Commercial Crops of Rajasthan, Agriculture based Industries, Major
Irrigation and River Valley Projects, Projects for the development of the desert and
waste-lands. Indira Gandhi Canal Project, Growth and location of Industries,
Industrial raw materials. Mineral based industries, Small scale and cottage industries,
export items, Rajasthani handicrafts, Tribes and their economy, various economic
plans, programmes and institutions for development, Co-operative movement, Small
enterprises and financial institutions.
5. History & Culture :- Landmarks in the political and cultural history of India. Major
monuments and literary works. Renaissance, struggle for freedom and national
integretion. History & Culture of Rajasthan with special reference to :-
(i) The mediaeval background.
(ii) Socio-economic life and organisation.
(iii) Freedom movement and political awakening.
(iv) Political Integretion.
(v) Dialects and Literature.
(vi) Music, Dance and Theatre.
(vii) Religious beliefs, cults, saint, poets, Warrior-saints, 'Lok Devtas' & 'Lok
(viii) Handicrafts.
(ix) Fairs and Festivals, Customs, Dresses & Ornaments, With special
reference to Folk & Tribal aspects thereof.

RAS/RTS Allied Services Examination 2010

RPSC invites application for the open cometitive examination for 772 posts of Rajasthan Aadministrative Services (RAS) and Allied Services (RTS) as detailes given below:

Rajasthan Administrative Service (RAS) :
Rajasthan Administrative Service : 40 posts
Rajasthan Police Service : 11 posts
Rajasthan Accounts Service : 37 posts
Rajasthan Cooperative Service : 15 posts
Rajasthan Jail Service : 01 post
Rajasthan Industry Service : 01 post
Rajasthan Commercial Tax Service : 121 posts
Rajasthan Tourism Service : 02 posts
Rajasthan Transport Service : 02 posts
Rajasthan Women and Child Development Service : 20 posts
Rajasthan Rural Development State Service : 74 posts
Rajasthan Women Development Serice : 40 posts
Allied Services :
Rajasthan Tehsildar Service : 35 posts
Rajasthan Excise Subordinate Service : 09 posts
Rajasthan Subordinate Service (Jr. Employment Officer) : 02 posts
Rajasthan Industry Subordinate Service : 07 posts
Rajasthan Commercial (Sales) Tax Subordinate Service : 300 posts
Rajasthan Food Public Distribution Service : 37 posts
Rajasthan Women and Child Develpment Service Subordinate Service : 18 posts

Pay Scale : Rs. 8000-13500/-

Age : Min 21 year and Max. 35 years as on 1/1/2011. Relaxation as per Rajasthan Govt. orders.

Educational Qualification : Graduate in any discipline.

Last Date : 30/07/2010 (5 PM)

Application Fee : Rs. 250/- for General and Creamy layer candidates of the OBC and Rs. 150/- for non-creamy layaer of OBC candidates. For SC/ST Rs.50/- . The cost of Rs.50/- for the application form is included in it.

Selection Procedure : There will a be written Competitive Exam (Preliminary) at all of the district headquarters of the Rajasthan on 29/09/2010.

How to Apply : OMR Application Forms can be collected from the office of District Employment Offices at all district Headquarters.

Information : Further information like qualification, reservation of posts, how to fill the form, scheme of examination etc. can be seen at